About disney Tinker Bell
Disney Tinker Bell disney dvd wholesale,disney Tinker Bell disney dvd dropship Offer here now.Tinker Bell was described by Barrie as a fairy who mended pots and kettles, like an actual tinker. Her dialogue consists of the sounds of a tinkling bell, which is understandable only to those familiar with the language of the fairies. In the original stage productions, she was represented on stage by a darting light "created by a small mirror held in the hand off-stage and reflecting a little circle of light from a powerful lamp" and her voice was a "a collar of bells and two special ones that Barrie brought from Switzerland". However, a Miss 'Jane Wren' was listed among the cast on the programmes as playing Tinker Bell: this was a joke which also helped with the mystique of the fairy character, as well as fooled HM Inspector of Taxes who sent Jane Wren a tax demand...