Weeds is an American television dark comedy-drama series created by Jenji Kohan and produced by Lionsgate Television, which began airing on the Showtime cable television network in 2005. The show revolves around Nancy Botwin (Mary-Louise Parker), a widowed suburbanite mother of two boys—eldest Silas (Hunter Parish) and Shane (Alexander Gould)—who turned to selling marijuana to support her family after her husband unexpectedly died. Over the course of the show, Nancy becomes involved in illegal activities on an escalating scale; the first three seasons deal mainly with selling and growing marijuana locally, while seasons four and after finds the Botwin family through constant resettlements within the Pacific coastal lines of the United States due to multiple circumstances that arise.
The first three seasons take place in the fictional town of Agrestic, California. The primary locale of seasons four and five is the fictional beachside border town of Ren Mar. At the start of the sixth season, the Botwin family relocates to Seattle, Washington. The title plays on the word "weed", a slang for marijuana. The title sequence of the first three seasons features the song "Little Boxes". Seasons four and after depict intertitles.
The show first aired on August 7, 2005 and is currently in its sixth season, which premiered on August 16, 2010. The first season of the series delivered Showtime's highest ratings, and the debut of the fifth season had Showtime's highest viewership for a show with 1.3 million watchers. In 2005, Parker won a Satellite Award and, in 2006, she obtained a Golden Globe for her performance on the show. In 2006, Kohan earned a Writers Guild of America Award for her work on the pilot episode, with Gould receiving a Young Artist Award in 2006 for his supporting role. Justin Kirk—who portrays the boys' uncle, Andy Botwin—won a Satellite Award in 2008 for his performance. In 2010, director of photography Michael Trim won an Emmy Award for the cinematography. The show has also been nominated for nine Emmy Awards, five Satellite Awards, four Golden Globes, and two Screen Actors Guilds. The show has been renewed for a seventh season.